Today Than it Has Ever Been in the Past
There are some great weight loss programs on the market today. For the past few years I have been in a position where I needed to evaluate many of them. I looked for plans that were easy to follow, plans that showed results and plans that kept the dieter interested.
I've spent my time researching these programs for personal reasons. I figured since I had already done the work, that I might as well share with others that may also be interested in these types of products. I lost my weight and now I hope to be able to help somebody else meet their goals by providing this helpful information.
This program boasts a claim that by using it, you can expect to lose 9 pounds in eleven days. My research has led me to several testimonials from program users that substantiate this claim. When you lose fat at a measured, methodical rate, it is much easier to keep it off. The way in which our bodies burn calories in dependant upon our eating habits. In this plan you are shown how to trick your body's metabolism by changing your eating patterns. The concept is referred to as "calorie shifting". These simple changes turn your body into a fiery, calorie burning furnace.
The reference material in this book is accessed from the members area of the product website. In the members area you will find what they call the "Diet Generator". You simply input your weight loss goals into the generator and it will produce an 11 day meal menu that incorporates the calorie shifting technique.
This system does not require any calorie counting and does not require exercise to see good results. There is no need for any starvation tactics that always seem to be involved with those fad diets. In fact you will be eating plenty. The system is very simple and easy to follow.
I liked the fact that there are no long books to read with this weight loss program. All you need to do is login to the members area and you can begin your fat loss program within 15 minutes. The fact that this diet is so easy to implement and sustain, makes it my top rated program.
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Our Rating: 9.8 / 10
Craig Ballantyne is very well respected in the fitness community. He has authored work that has appeared in Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Fitness Hers and many others.
Craig is a certified strength and conditioning specialist. His client list is extensive and his instruction is highly sought after by the fitness community.
Turbulence Training is a type of fitness training known as "interval training". This type of training is used by fitness trainers throughout the world. The normal line of thinking within the fitness industry has been that it is difficult to lose fat, and gain muscle at the same time. Craig has shattered those conceptions with his workout that is quick, but high on intensity.Craig is a certified strength and conditioning specialist. His client list is extensive and his instruction is highly sought after by the fitness community.
His exercises require no gym equipment and rely only on a person's own body weight during the routine. His scientific research has allowed him to design a workout that produces maximum efficiency in a very short period of time. He suggests three workouts a week that last only thirty minutes in length. I find that this is an exceptional workout with the goal of burning fat while building muscle. With this program not only will you lose weight, but you will end up with a nicely toned body at the same time.
If you don't have a lot of time to get yourself in shape, then this is the weight loss system for you.
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Our Rating: 9.6 / 10
Tom Venuto is a long time body builder that has studied nutrition extensively for many years. With Tom's appearance you might expect this to be a book about body building, but on the contrary, this book is an extensive education on nutrition.
Venuto has invested 14 years of his career researching and testing the fat loss techniques discussed in his book. Make no mistake, this is an effective fat loss system.In this book you will discover a knowledge of what types of foods to eat and why it is beneficial to eat them. Tom's program is easy to implement and his strategies work for those that use them. My research on this product turned up a great deal of positive comments from the program's users. People are telling their friends about this weight loss system and that is why it is a top seller.
A possible downside of this fat loss program is that it is a 337 page book. However, It is written in such a way that it is easy to skim if you are pressed for time. If you are looking for a very thorough discussion and education on the subject of fat loss, then this may be just the book for you.
I give this product a very high rating because of the extensive education it provides but most of all because it is highly effective for those that use it.
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Our Rating: 9.5 / 10